
Read of services and applications that I actually use

  • 📨 Mail Client: Apple Mail / Samsung Mail (Personal), Outlook (work)

  • 📮 Mail Server:Fastmail / Proton / Gmail (personal) & Microsoft 365 (work)

  • 📝 Notes: Apple notes / Samsung Notes & Obsidian Google Keep (personal), OneNote (Work)

  • To-Do: Samsung Reminder / Apple Reminders & Microsoft To-do

  • 📷 iPhone Photo Shooting: Camera.App & Obscura / Samsung Camera

  • 🟦 Photo Management: Google Photos / Apple Photos.App / Onedrive / Affinity Photo (editing)

  • 📆 Calendar: Samsung Calendar / Apple Calendar (Personal), Outlook (Work)

  • 📁 Cloud File Storage: OneDrive (Family) / Google Drive / iCloud (personal), Onedrive (MS365 for work)

  • 📖 RSS:Readwise Reader, Miniflux

  • 🙍🏻‍♂️ Contacts: Samsung Contacts &

  • 🌐 Browser: Chrome (PC Personal), Safari (iOS), Samsung Email (Android), Edge (Work), DuckDuckGo (personal or work with more privacy)

  • 💬 Chat: Meta's Messenger, Signal, Viber, Messages, WhatsApp (personal) / Teams (work)

  • 🔖

  • 📑 Read It Later:Readwise Reader, Notes apps or ToDo list

  • 📜 Word Processing: Microsoft Word

  • 📈 Spreadsheets: Microsoft Excel

  • 📊 Presentations: I don't make them

  • 🛒 Shopping Lists: Google Keep / pen & paper

  • 🍴 Meal Planning: n/a

  • 💰 Budgeting and Personal Finance:Ynab, My Bank's Application

  • 📰 News: Google News, RSS Feeds and Mastodon

  • 🎵 Music: Spotify, Google Music

  • 🎤 Podcasts: Apple Podcasts, Spotify & Google Music

  • 🔐 Password Management:1password, Proton Pass

  • 🤖 Code editing:Visual studio Code & Visual Studio

  • 📚 Books: Kindle on iPad

  • 🎧 Audiobooks: Audible, Samsung Music (for purchased audiobooks in mp3 format)


  • 2FA Authenticator: 1Password & Yubico Authenticator

  • 🛡 VPN Provider: Surfshark